Thursday, June 03, 2010

Italy's Rescue Volunteers

protezione civile modena
Originally uploaded by Sara e il mondo del soccorso

When it comes to developing CERT teams, FEMA should take a lesson from its Italian counterpart Protezione Civile. During the past 10 years, thousands of volunteer responders have been trained to serve during major emergencies, like the Earthquake that shook the province of L'Aquila last year.

The First Responder Teams are locally based and can be deployed within hours of a major emergency. If the disaster escalates, teams from surrounding communities and regions are dispatched under Italy's Incident Command System which is run by the National Fire Service, the Vigili del Fuoco.

Each members is trained in a variety of disciplines and nationally certified. Because it is a nationalized system, self deployment is not tolerated, and convergent civilian volunteers are not permitted on the disaster site.

To learn more about Italy's Protezione Civile visit

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